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Manual Backups

In order to fully backup the platform there are 3 areas that need to be backed up:

  1. Firestore Database

    Use in interactive export tool to create a backup of the database. If the data is simply for re-importing later the entire database can be selected. If only some specific data collections are likely to be imported, or tools like bigquery will be used to analyse the exported data then individual collections should be specified (e.g. v3_howtos)

    The backup can be made to the existing onearmyworld-exports bucket, or a personal storage bucket. Exports should be named in a consistent way, prefixed with a timestamp (yyyy-mm-dd)

    The backup can also be downloaded locally using the gsutil tool

    gsutil cp -r gs://onearmyworld-exports/name-of-backup ./my-local-backup-folder
  2. Firebase Storage This is a bucket in firebase cloud storage, and so can be handled in a similar way to the firestore database, via the gcloud console

    Additionally, files can be downloaded to backup locally or to another storage provider via gsutil run from a local command line, e.g.

    gsutil cp -r \
    gs:// \
  3. Firebase Auth Users
    See documentation:

Importing Data from a Backup

The same graphical interface can be used to import data. However care should be taken before importing in case of unintended side-effects.

Specifically firebase functions should first be disabled and data may need to first be deleted from the target project.


If functions are triggered on database changes they will be triggered for every document that is imported


When importing a collection any existing data will be merged with the import.


In order to migrate the data to another server similar steps must be taken and permissions

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